Tag Archives: boredom

Getting ready for another set of wars

War at home: two more exams to go. Typography and Information techniques (whatever that be). Blargh.

War abroad: is the U.S. planning to attack Iran? ‘Daily Kos’ says yes, ‘Times Online’ says that Pentagon has a ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran, and – most recently – ‘N.Y. Times’ reports that "Iran Reaffirms Its Defiance of the West". Nice.

There’s even more crazy news from the East. How about this (you know this one for sure): China banning reincarnation in Tibet. Or: South Korean hostages apologize for being kidnapped. That’s just fucking wrong.

On to some happy news.

I’m too (what’s the word I’m looking for?) to write. I have nothing interesting to report. I’ve been feeling down for the past two weeks and nothing seems to help. I can’t study. I can’t think. All I do is read stupidities on the internet, watch movies at night and upload sounds to Freesound. Wait. That’s a positive thing, isn’t it? Good Heavens! Well, at least that’s something :)

I’m gonna go watch Entourage Season 1, that’s supposed to be a great show. I really hope it is.

Go listen and rate some of my sounds on Freesound. And leave me a nice comment, will ya? :)

I’ve stumbled upon this video titled "Shoes" – it’s surprisingly funny and addictive, you should watch it.

Finally, here’s a nice Portable Digital Recorder Comparison, and here’s a Struggling musician’s [web] toolkit.

ps: Happy birthday, my love! :)

Who? Me? Errrrm…

For the last couple of days, I’ve been trying to remember why I decided to finish this god-awful university I’m attending. I think it has something to do with getting a diploma. Ewww…

Anyways, I’m just posting this because having some fresh content on the front page can’t hurt, right? And I guess Heizei deserves to know that her package will be on its way next week – I’m getting there, trust me ;)


So, all in good faith, I hereby offer you a soundbite you may love or hate, but there’s always a chance you might not have an opinion at all (no pun intended) :)

Please download “(There is a) Ghost in the jungle” (no myspace exclusive this time, haha).

It’s a one minute spill-out, kind of in a way somehow but not directly inspired by Super Numeri.

I’ll be back with a vengeance next week.