Tag Archives: category base

I’m a dreamer, a distant dreamer :)

Yes, some of you might recognize the title words as lyrics by Duffy. It’s true, I like the album, a lot. Her official site, however, not so much (I’ll be thinking of Vulcans for the rest of my life everytime someone says ‘however’, no doubt about that).

But I will not steal from my own evening TV time to talk about that. Nuh-uh.

So, believe it or not, I’ve been officialy employed for a month and a half now. Netipični d.o.o. is where I now do what I used to do from home. Code websites, that is :)

In short: I’m satisfied, and (thank god!) the people who work there are quite (haha) normal and easy to get along with.

My backache is killing me, and I haven’t been able to sleep enough lately, but I’ll blame that on the godawful summer in the city too, not just on my impossible way of life and inability to adjust myself to the 9-5 routine. I’ll survive, don’t worry ;)

What else…

You know how WordPress adds ‘category’ in urls when the page is an category archive? I’ve created a plugin that gets
rid of it. But you’ll also need another plugin to make it work. I’ve
been testing it for the past few weeks and haven’t noticed any hickups.
Read on.

I’ve also switched from TinyMCE to WYMeditor and I’m liking it so far. You can download it as a WordPress plugin from here: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/simple-wymeditor/. I’ve tweaked its CSS files to suit the WordPress 2.5 color scheme better:WYMeditor

If you like it, you can download the tweaked files from here:


Just paste the two directories over in the ‘wymeditor’ folder (the one residing inside the ‘simple-wymeditor’ folder, if you’re using it as a WordPress plugin) and overwrite the files.

I installed Habari and I like it – it’s fast and feels stable, but it’s also very young and needs more work. I’ll dig in when I find some time.

I’m working with Silverstripe, too, but I can’t say that I’m becoming fond of it. Dunno… Although it seems to be a great piece of software, it just doesn’t feel right for me.

I know I had more stuff in my head that I wanted to write about, but I can’t really remember anything else right now, I’m feeling a bit sleepish :)

I’ll be taking two weeks off starting next Tuesday, gotta start working on my final paper and get that diploma out of my way. Fingers crossed ;)

Music? Something new? Hmm. We’ll see.

Laters :D