Category Archives: News

Please your woman Rodolfo

“please your woman Rodolfo” is the title of an junk e-mail I’ve received today. Of course it was about the little blue pills which “Leonel” offered me for measly 1.56 cents each. What made me laugh is the title of this e-mail, because my christened name is Rudolf :)

Anyways, in times before Blue Security and their Blue Frog I’d just hit DEL and bye bye you go, dear spammer (and your Blue Pill). Now I click on a little blue frog on my toolbar and report it to Blue Security. My junk-marked mail still gets deleted, but, before that, it’s sent to someone who can possibly stop it from hitting my inbox in the future.

I can’t say that I’ve noticed any effects yet, I still get 30-40 spam e-mails a day, but I’ll give it time, it doesn’t cost me anything. And it feels good ;)

Happy Easter, I’m 27

To all of you who celebrate it, I wish you a Happy Easter! Good luck hunting those eggs down.

In other news, Bruno Babic (aka aesqe) is 27 years old today. And he’s having a really hard time deciding whether it’s a happy event (still alive) or the opposite (one year closer to responsibility).

Year after year, my birthdays mean less and less to me. When I was a kid I would count days for over a month before the big day, now I just wait for it to happen like it’s really not that big a deal. I guess that puts me in the same can with 99% of Earth’s population :) The only thing I still like about my birthday are the presents. Oh, how I like to receive presents! Be it a pen or a house – it’s all the same to me, someone bought me something because they care and it’s the most beautiful feeling in the world.

So, I wish a happy birhtday to me!

Ahem, here’s my wishlist :D

Breedart releases “Kokkonen” and “Movement”

“Kokkonen” is Breed’s 35th art, and “Movement” 28th music release. 59 art pieces and 14 music tracks should keep you busy for a while; I believe the two are some of the bigger releases we’ve had. Also, I’ve just noticed that it’s been a year and 3 days since our last music release, interesting… I hope you won’t have to wait that long for the next one :D

As usual, there are some new members aboard, of which I’d like you to pay special attention to Skybase, who is a very talented musician. You’ll find 6 of his tracks in “Movement”.

So please visit, relax, and enjoy the releases ;)

Tascam HD-P2

I’ve been playing around for too long, doing absolutely nothing for ages, and then wondering why my life sucks. Well no more. I’ve finally thought of that one thing I could do for a living. And really enjoy doing it.

I’m not going to tell you what that is, but know this: I’m buying an Tascam HD-P2.

Tascam HD-P2

Forgive me, but I have to swear. Fuck you PayPal.

My friend’s dad is a citizen of a country other than Croatia. He’s got a credit card and my friend used it to open a PayPal account because it’s not possible to open one if you’re a citizen of Croatia (and that sucks big time). For a couple of years all worked well. Until this very day, when PayPal decided to display the following message:

Error 3028. You have been accessing your account from a sanctioned country. Per international sanctions regulations, you are not authorized to access the PayPal system. For more information about your PayPal account status, contact For further information regarding international sanctions, please refer to the U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control at, or to the UK Bank of England at

Now, I don’t understand a damn thing I’ve read on the OFAC site, and the other link points to a non-existent page. Could it be that what they’re trying to tell us is something in the lines of: “We don’t care what country you’re a citizen of, but you are currently in a sanctioned country and you cannot use the PayPal system. Yes, we understand that you could very well be there on a vacation, but, again, we really don’t care.”?

What’s worse, it seems that the account stays unaccessible until you contact them by e-mail and try to clear things up. Because, you know, a terrorist could be trying to access your account illegaly and that is very bad. Terrorists are everywhere and they want to harm everyone. Well fuck you PayPal, I’ve survived without you before, I surely can live without you in the future.

I wonder, why doesn’t Amazon block my account when I try to buy something using my Croatian credit card?

Maybe I’m wrong and the problem lies in fact that a member of Al-Qa’ida had actually tried to hack into my friends account and Paypal just wants to protect him. But I guess the message then wouldn’t say “You have been accessing your account…” but “Someone has been accessing your account…”.

And all I wanted was a fracking Flickr account :(