Category Archives: News

Down the rabbit hole, again

Jeepers creepers, it’s been a while since I’ve composed something that I thought was worth letting other people listen to…

So here’s a track of mine that still has no official name, progress, or ending – but I think it’s way better than all the stuff I’ve composed in the past months.

I hope you’ll enjoy this one, and its temporary-but-then-maybe-also-permanent name: “Converse” (as in “to converse”, not the shoe company).

Comments are welcome, as always :)

The life of Avery Phergham

I really dislike the word "blogging". And "blog", in general. Weblog (or web log) sounds so much more profound, truthful, even poetic—right?

And people decided to go with the two-letter-shorter version.

Maybe because most people’s writing is not even close to being profound, truthful, or—God forbid—poetic? Eh.

Now, what I do here, this infrequent posting of insignificant updates—would you call it blogging? Because I certainly wouldn’t. Nor would I call it weblogging/web logging. It’s probably closer to, let’s say, pissing in the wind?
The thing is, I just like to let my few visitors know, from time to time, that I’m still alive and breathing. And that, pretty much, is all I do here.*


  • Still alive? Check.
  • Still breathing? Check. (gotta have "breathing", otherwise I could be just a brain in a jar wired to a computer or whatever they invent in the future)
  • Still working on that novel sounds and music for AblationX? Check.
  • Still having a hard time making decisions about anything? Check.
  • Still stuck with a cat (see a few posts below)? Check.

I hope this checklist pleases many, many minds.

Love you all, but only one I am in love with.

p.s.: Avery Phergham…? No info on the internets, huh? Well, don’t lose your whole day on it, it’s just a made up name with no search results on Google. For now :)

*disclaimer: I think I actually posted some useful information a few times, or even a sample of work, hence the "pretty much" insertion 8]

And God bless you all on the Earth…

I hate autumn. I hate this period that is depression all by itself. At least in winter you’ve got the snow. If you’re lucky, that is.

So here, video of a beautiful song for all of you, “Minerva” by Deftones.

Some of their songs are so monumentally special that they simply make me melt, and that’s something that will probably never change.

Getting off

One more year and I’ll have my diploma. I’ll be free to do whatever I want with it, even burn it if I feel like it. Not that I plan to do that. Although, I have considered the option.
Unfortunately, that would just piss some people off — my parents, for example. But the thing is – I don’t really need a diploma. I have knowledge. And I got that knowledge by reading, working, messing around with computers, with software, by learning from other people on and off the net — by doing stuff in real-world situations. And it seems like I need a diploma from some third-grade "school" to prove it. I don’t. I don’t plan to work for anyone but myself. But… You never know what kind of shitty old chocolate you may find in that box, so you better be carrying guns. Or a diploma. Get it if you can. Knowledge is power, especially if it’s certified. Nerd power.

A comforting thought: life sucks even if you’re a billionaire.

Mr. Nenad "16×16" Jalsovec ".org" of Counterclockwise fame is one of the few sad, little people who have applied for some public ass-kicking in the beginning of 2008. And paid a small entrance fee for it. I’m, of course, talking about the IGF – Independent Gaming Festival, and this very paragraph’s first sentence is what people refer to as sarcasm. It’s that kind of a day today, so please bear with me.
While Nenad is crunching the numbers code, I’m learning how to fart working on the sound effects and music, but it’s all still very messy at the moment. The game is addictively playable and very kick-assy old-school in a way and it’s gonna be universally awesome. This is, of course, a hyperbolic statement – but truthful, nevertheless. You’ll get a chance to play it yourself in a couple weeks, anyway.

No new music from me. I’ve had no inspiration lately. I hope this year will go by and be forgotten as fast as the new "Bionic woman" will should be.

Love, peace, beer, no kids.

This is Dexter I’ve got a 2 month old kitten with me. I named him Dexter. Quite appropriately, I must say, as it’s a flesh-eating killer cat. I’ve got worse scars on me than Amy Winehouse had after she got in a fight with her own husband last month (or maybe it was back in September?). But I like him. I freaking love this allovermycables-peeing little piece of fur. But I’m sadly aware of the fact that I’ll have to find him a new home soon. I’m one of those ever-worrying freak-people. Unfortunately. Fingers crossed for a great new home for little Dexter? Yes, please :)

Also: I’ve played Half-life 2 Episode 2 and I liked it a lot. I’m going to play Portal over the weekend, it looks promising. I still have Minerva to finish (very cool).

Have a great weekend, y’all.

Getting ready for another set of wars

War at home: two more exams to go. Typography and Information techniques (whatever that be). Blargh.

War abroad: is the U.S. planning to attack Iran? ‘Daily Kos’ says yes, ‘Times Online’ says that Pentagon has a ‘three-day blitz’ plan for Iran, and – most recently – ‘N.Y. Times’ reports that "Iran Reaffirms Its Defiance of the West". Nice.

There’s even more crazy news from the East. How about this (you know this one for sure): China banning reincarnation in Tibet. Or: South Korean hostages apologize for being kidnapped. That’s just fucking wrong.

On to some happy news.

I’m too (what’s the word I’m looking for?) to write. I have nothing interesting to report. I’ve been feeling down for the past two weeks and nothing seems to help. I can’t study. I can’t think. All I do is read stupidities on the internet, watch movies at night and upload sounds to Freesound. Wait. That’s a positive thing, isn’t it? Good Heavens! Well, at least that’s something :)

I’m gonna go watch Entourage Season 1, that’s supposed to be a great show. I really hope it is.

Go listen and rate some of my sounds on Freesound. And leave me a nice comment, will ya? :)

I’ve stumbled upon this video titled "Shoes" – it’s surprisingly funny and addictive, you should watch it.

Finally, here’s a nice Portable Digital Recorder Comparison, and here’s a Struggling musician’s [web] toolkit.

ps: Happy birthday, my love! :)